
Geeetech 3D-Drucker Mizar S

Item number 200299
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The GEEETECH Mizar S measures 362 x 377 x 653 mm and has a build volume of 255 x 255 x 260 mm. It is equipped with a 32-bit MCU, dual Z-axis and a quiet driver. The combination of a high-quality MCU and a dual Z-axis results in a stable and precise printing platform. The driver ensures that the noise level when printing is limited to a maximum of 50 dB, so you don't feel any noise disturbance.

The way the printer calibrates the print bed also contributes to good results; The GEEETECH Mizar S has both an ABL (Auto Bed Leveling) and a manual calibration function that allows the position of the nozzle relative to the print bed to be adjusted very precisely.

In the event of a power outage or if the printer stops for any other reason, the Mizar S will remember the progress of the printing process and automatically resume it when the printer is working again. The same applies if the filament runs out or blocks; The printer will stop and resume printing when the problem is resolved. This way you don't waste filament.

Brand: Geeetech
Printing technology: FDM/FFF
Max. printing depth: 22 cm
Max. print width: 22 cm
Max. printing height: 26 cm
Print volume: 12,584 l
CNC option: no
Laser option: no
Number of extruders: 1
Heated bed: And
Maximum heated bed temperature: 100°C
Bed leveling type: Manual
Camera: No
Network: No
Filament diameter: 1.75mm
Dimensions: 435 x 484 x 668 mm (LxWxH)
Input voltage: 230V / 115V
Nozzle diameter: 0.4mm
XY position accuracy: 0.1mm
Weight: 6.3kg
Filament sensor: No
Extruder: Bowden
Maximum extruder temperature: 250°C
Voltage: 24V DC