
Flashforge 3D-Drucker Creator 3

Item number 200210
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Experience multi-material dual 3D printing with the Flashforge Creator 3. The Creator 3 is a sturdy and compact machine that makes a perfect candidate for producing functional parts. The machine offers 3D printing with a wide range of materials like PLA and ABS to industrial filaments.

The Flashforge Creator 3 is a plug-and-play 3D printer that requires no assembly. With two extruders you can extrude simultaneously and work with 4 different printing modes. The first mode is called the Mirror mode where both extruders print the same object symmetrically. The Duplicate mode will have the extruders 3D print an identical object. With the Dual filament and Dual-color mode, you can mix two colors in the same material, for example, PLA filament. However, with the Dual filament printing mode, the second material can be a support filament like PVA filament for 3D models that have bridging and require extra structures.

A great feature of the machine is the print space that it offers. With a build volume of 300 x 250 x 200 mm you can create small to large multi-color and multi-material prints. Furthermore, you can also achieve a nice production and print several smaller parts at once with an exceptional level of dimensional accuracy. 3D models of all sizes can easily adhere to the build plate. Additionally, the build plate is flexible and therefore offers swift and clean part removal. 

With the Creator 3, you can print professional 3D models with advanced filaments like nylon and carbon fiber. This means that you can achieve high production levels and industrial-level manufacturing right at home. 

Buildvolume  30x25x20 cm
Printer Geometry Cartesian
Resolution X axis 0.2 mm
Resolution Y axis 0.2 mm
Layer resolution 0.05 mm
Number of extruders 2
Nozzle diameter 0.4 mm
Filament types 311,312,313
Filament diameter 1.75 mm
Max. hot-end temperature 300 °C
Extruder type  Direct-drive
Max. heated bed. temp. 120 °C
Type of 3D printer FDM/FFF
Bed movement direction  Z-axis
Product Dimensions 627x485x615 mm
Compatible diameter filament  1.75 mm
Display type 4.5" LCD screen
Type of control interface Touch screen
Heated bed  Yes
Auto Bed Leveling  Yes
Camera Yes
Network  Yes
Enclosed  Yes
Electrical specifications
Input voltage 100/240 V
Operating voltage 24 V
Current 20.8 A
Max. Power rating 500 W