
Elegoo 3D-Drucker Saturn 8K

Item number 200215
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Discover 3D printing in spectacular quality with the Saturn 8K 3D printer! Print big resin 3D prints with finer details faster and capture every detail with this premium machine. The 219x123x250mm build size is well suited for large 3D models or many smaller ones, that can be printed in 1-3 seconds per layer.


The Elegoo Saturn 8K is manufactured to be a highly stable machine. With dual Z linear rails and hexagon non-slip sockets in place, the 3D printer is kept very level. A level machine will print reliably and produce parts with the same consistency and precision every time.

With an 10" monochrome LCD and matrix light source, you can be sure to capture extreme detail. The 7680 x 4320 resolution ensures every corner and edge comes out very sharply. The scratch-resistant tempered glass located above the LCD screen will prevent damage while allowing clear light transmission for the best quality 3D models.

The machine’s sandblasted surface offers the perfect amount of adhesion which highly influences the outcome of your printed parts. Large 3D models will have all the support you could wish for when their foundation is flawless.

The Elegoo Saturn 8K is also equipped with a replaceable activated charcoal filter to keep resin odors at bay so that you can print safely at all times. The 3.5” touchscreen provides clarity and ease when operating your machine. 

A great slicer that is compatible with Elegoo 3D printers is the Chitubox slicer and Lychee Slicer. Once you have created a resin 3D model, post-processing is a crucial final step.

Buildvolume  21.9x12.3x25 cm
Printer Geometry Cartesian
Layer resolution 0.0125 mm
Type of 3D printer SLA/DLP
Z-axis support  Single rod
Bed movement direction  Z-axis
Product Dimensions 305.9x273x567.3 mm
SLA Properties
UV Source UV-LED
UV Wavelength 405 nm
LCD Display technology Monochrome LCD
Screen size  10 "
Screen resolution  7680x4320
Resin LCD type  8K Monochrome LCD
Display type 3.5" LCD Screen
Type of control interface Touch screen
Enclosed  Yes
Electrical specifications
Input voltage 110/240 V
Operating voltage 24 V
Current 4 A
Max. Power rating 96 W

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